Lactuca tatarica, Senecio tataricus, Atriplex tatarica, Crambe tataria, Ferula tatarica, Silene tatarica, Knautia tatarica / watercolor, paper

In herbariums all over the world, certain sizes are accepted for herbarium sheets — 42 cm in length, 29 cm in width. But there are always plants in the field that exceed the specified size of the herbarium sheet. Large plants are broken once or twice and then laid on paper. A very large plant is sometimes not taken completely, in parts, you can take separately typical leaves, inflorescence or parts of it and part of the stem. Large leaves that do not fit into the accepted paper sample are cut in half lengthwise and halves are taken (it is enough to take only one half, since the leaves are usually built symmetrically). In some cases, it is recommended to cut the stem itself lengthwise if it is very juicy and difficult to dry.