The cave is a common image that can be found in the texts of Plato, Cicero and other authors who lived long before us. In philosophy, a cave is often a metaphor for ignorance, where a way out of it can be found through the process of acquiring knowledge. We will start from this image and allow ourselves to develop it further. Humanity began its journey in a cave, in which someone decided to stay, and someone else decided to follow a new path. Someone who already knew the way could come back and help the other one out of the cave. In this process, the very desire to hit the road and constant movement is important, rather than following to a specific destination, which may change along with the route. 17-14 thousand years ago, people painted on the walls of the Shulgan Tash cave with paint consisting of minerals and animal fat, today artists work with recycled plastic and media technologies. In the new project ZAMAN MUSEUM'S team together with the artists, reflect on the path that humanity has taken in the process of developing materials and raw materials, and on the traces left on this path. Plastic sorting and recycling, and the safety of new materials are issues that many people doubt and distrust. The project "Out of the Cave" is a joint search for answers, debunking doubts, and perhaps, in the course of this process, changing one's approach to consuming and using things.
Artists: Milyausha Abaydullina, Edgar Ayukhanov, Vildan Vildan, Ivan Kros, Radik Musin, Lyubov Shmykova, Olga Tsymbolenko, physical theater studio "Tea and Coffee".

Curator: Zulfiia Ilkaeva.
Managers: Anita Gizzatullina, Renata Yenikeeva, Diana Sharipova
Designers: Aminev Ravil, Artem Simonov
Editor: Andrey Korolev
Translated into Bashkir by Burakayeva Tansulpan
Volunteers: Azalia Islamgulova, Roland Kurapov, Nurzilya Mulyukova, Chanysheva
Aelita, Alesya Verevelskaya, Yulia Bakieva
Photo: Albert Gimranov, Kamil