The laboratory and exhibition "Long as a river" is an attempt to respond to the need of artists to explore space (both a real place on a map and a metaphorical area of public or family history) by contemporary art. One of the main forms has become performative practices, which were expressed in video and graphics, sound and dance experiments. How to show what is hidden — under the thickness of memory or ripples of water, covered with a shaky fog? What kind of gesture, like a snap of your fingers, can help make hidden images visible? And who (or what) can be as long as a river— a memory, a story, a speech, or a song?
The result of the month-long intensive was nine works by authors from Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan and Moscow.

Episodes of autobiography often became the starting points for creating works, and observations of landscapes led to the fact that history can be found not only in the museum archive, but also around person — on the riverbank, where evidence of what once was there is imprinted or encrypted in the surrounding reality in the form of a material object or an intangible sign. The landscape itself has rhythm, dynamics and performative potential, and also becomes a place of parting and meeting — first of all with oneself.

Artists: Daria Amelina, Alsu Valiullina, Daria Gavrilova, Milyausha Gafurova, Lyubov Egorycheva, Vladislava Kostyuchenko, Anna Trunova, Oksana Sazonova, Dayana Fusion, Kamil Shaimardanov, polycarpicae
Curators: Alexandra Artamonova and Evgenia Lapteva ("The Gentle Women" art group), Zulfiya Ilkaeva
Producer: Yulia Akhmetzyanova
Designer: Daria Rodionova
Translator to Tatar: Milyausha Gafurova
Technical team: Marat Shakirov, Ilya Kolesnikov
Photo: Alfiya Mullayanova, Zulfiia Ilkaeva